Saturday, 17 August 2013

Today I finished  the work with thread number 3865 and started to use  thread number 775.  Since I worked in two separate areas, I have made two pictures of the detailed section, as well as the usual overview image that I provide you with to see the progress of the gobelin. Hope you are enjoying these images, as you can very much indeed see the work I have done :-)

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Today I finished  the work with thread number 3866 and started to use 3865. I don't think you can tell the difference on the two pictures below, but at least I hope you can see the overall progress made:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I believe a fair amount of visible work was carried out today, having worked with 3866 and 646. So here is the pictures for you to judge as you please: